Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

Coming Clean


I was dating this girl for almost a year and it was serious. I was friends with her mom and most of her friends but she was a very jealous and possessive person.

One night, I was at her house and she got into the shower. I was on the floor playing with her iPad when I noticed a book under her bed.

It looked like a sketchbook at first, so I grabbed it. I opened it thinking I would see beautiful sketches, but it was her diary. 

The words on the pages gave me shivers. She wrote about how she had been cheating on me with multiple men. It was shocking because she was so jealous and possessive.

I calmly closed it, put it back under the bed, and left. I called one of her friends with who I had become tight with and asked her to explain.

She agreed to meet me later, meanwhile, my girlfriend got out of the shower and asked why I left. I told her I read her diary and that it was over between us.

She tried to be angry about me for reading the diary but she was more upset that she was caught. I met up with her friend for coffee and she told me everything.

My girlfriend and three of her friends had made a pact. They were all in on it together and they would travel, party, and create a lot of opportunities.

They’d rent hotel rooms together, cover for each other, and made detailed notes so no one found out. Her friend wanted to come clean as she was over it. She didn’t feel good about lying or hurting people, and the guilt was unbearable.


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