Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

How Can We Live With These Differences?


We had been together for quite a while—about 6-8 months—and had been living together for at least 2 months when I decided to make tuna salad.

I asked him how he liked it. He told me. I came back with two bowls, half the can made his way, and half the can made the way I liked it.

He completely freaked out about the two different versions. He said, “If we can’t agree on how to eat tuna, how will this ever work?!” I said that we don’t have to agree—we can both have it exactly the way we want and be happy. He vehemently disagreed.

Then, I started thinking of all of his other controlling behavior and the inability to compromise. It wasn’t that day that we broke up, but it was definitely the day our relationship broke. The cheating didn’t help either.


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