Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

She’s Just Working Late


My wife was an operations manager for a big box store and I had suspicions about her friendship with another employee. She was working late and they were texting. I checked her phone and the language was flirty but not incriminating.

Her work friend was younger than her and he got accepted to a college in Syracuse. I was relieved knowing that he would soon be gone and out of the picture, but boy was I wrong. When he moved, she became a recluse and started complaining about going to work.

I thought it was just the job making her sad, but really, it was the fact that her coworker was now living in Syracuse. A few months went by and she planned a trip.

She said she needed to recharge. I was excited and naive thinking she would come back as the woman I fell in love with.

A day or two into her trip, I got a call from the bank asking to confirm suspicious charges. She had driven straight to Syracuse and the charges were for a hotel room.


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