Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

Ghosted At the Wrong Time


My ex-fiancée ghosted me before our wedding. It’s been 16 years and now she wants to talk it over again.  I was never given an explanation.

She just left and told nobody. It was literally right before our big wedding ceremony. She didn’t leave a note, nothing, just left. Even her family were left baffled.

We had dated all through high school and all through college. She eventually returned, but not to me. I had to learn via her parents that she had no intentions of coming home.

She wanted nothing to do with me and told her parents to avoid having me around. I never got a choice in the matter.

So, I respected her wishes. I never understood why she did it; my only guess was she had a mental breakdown because she cut off all contact with everyone. We were both young and still growing. I don’t know, but I’ve struggled with it since.

So now out of the blue, she messages me on Facebook after all these years and wants to meet up. I’m an influx of emotions right now.

Angry, nervous, hopeful, sad. I…I still have feelings for her. Still, I don’t know if I could take her back.

But, looking at her Facebook makes me miss her. She’s even better looking than she was before and SINGLE. I’m conflicted. She won’t talk about anything as to why she left.

She said it’s best to do so in person. The only thing I can tell from her Facebook is a bunch of stuff about her being weak and living a life full of shame and regret and being lonely.

She ghosted me and I should want nothing to do with her but, darn, I still have feelings for her…I never stopped thinking about her.


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