Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

Somebody That I Used to Know


When I married my husband, I knew that he was an overweight, lazy video game nerd, and I loved him anyway for his warm heart and kind personality.

He detested exercise, stayed a low rank at his career because he put in minimum effort, and we bonded more over other activities like watching movies together at home rather than going out.

He went on this camping trip with his friends two years ago, and when he came home, it was like something had lit a fire under his butt.

He completely changed interests—he never played video games again and took up running, reading books even though I’d never seen him read before except for school, and several other completely random hobbies.

He became a vegetarian even though, before, he’d been a meat and potatoes guy. He worked harder at his job, then did an accelerated grad school program and ended up making tons more money. I barely recognize him.

We still have a good marriage, and I still love him, and he has motivated me to be better in the last two years, but…. I can’t help but miss my husband. I know that people change, but about all that’s left of him is his warm heart.

No one shares my concerns because all his changes have been positive, but I feel like he’s so different maybe we need marriage counseling so I can adapt, at least…


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