Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

He Never Came Back


I’m an anesthesiologist. C-sections are typically done under spinal anesthesia, and we’re the ones at the head of the table keeping the mother calm and talking her through the procedure while the surgeons operate.

I’ve seen it more than once, but I remember one time in particular when the parents were both very caucasian, and the baby was very much not. The actual father obviously had to be very dark-skinned.

At delivery, when the not-father saw the baby, he just looked down at his wife, who was starting to cry, and he spoke the three words everyone was thinking: “You’re a cheater.” He then walked out.

She started screaming for him to come back, but there wasn’t much she could do since she was, you know, still being operated on.

She lost it to the point I eventually had to sedate her just a bit because she was in danger of injuring herself.

As far as I know, her husband never came back to the hospital. I don’t know what happened after that.


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