Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

I Wish I Was Joking


So my girlfriend and I have been together for nearly eight months, and she’s always been a very quirky and nerdy person.

She does cosplay, is very into anime and role-playing, etc. Nothing too weird. We’ve been kind of distant lately; we haven’t seen each other much and only talk for half an hour a day.

Well, last Tuesday we got to hang out at her place, and I noticed something strange immediately. She wore cat ears and a belt with a tail the entire time.

At first I thought it was either going to be a naughty surprise or her testing a new cosplay, but nope, she sat me down, asked me if I really do love her, then hit me with a very long monologue that made my jaw drop. Essentially, it summed up to: “I’m a cat in a human body.”

I wish I was joking. I thought I misunderstood and then believed that maybe it was a weird joke, but she kept being serious about it and doubling down.

I left shortly after because I had a shift at work, and I still believed it was an oddly drawn out joke and nothing more.

She ended up texting me with resources to help me understand, which is when I realized that she really is serious. Apparently, she believes she is an otherkin: A person who holds the belief that they are not human.

She says she was introduced to this by one of her friends months ago and has since joined discords and communities of others like her. Her friend believes he is a demon trapped in a human body, and she sent me a testimonial.

She explained her otherkin type as being a cat, and now she 100% thinks she is a cat. How did she know she was a cat you ask?

According to her: Sleeping a lot, liking the sun, hating water, feeling more comfortable crawling on all fours, and claiming to understand what cats are saying and being able to talk to them through meowing.

She has also apparently been distant with nearly everybody we know, as I got multiple messages asking me to let her know to be in touch with them.

My head has been spiraling this past week. I keep thinking it’s a joke, but nope, she has handed in her two weeks’ resignation at her job because cats don’t work.

Again, I wish I was joking. I’ve been limiting my interactions with her ever since, because this is hurting my head a whole lot and I just can’t cope.

She has also surrounded herself with a large amount of yes men and women who support her 100% and are enabling this, some even encouraging her to make a Patreon and make otherkin content that they would contribute to, which she brought up when I asked her about quitting her job.

To make things worse, I can’t discuss this with anyone in real life because I know how crazy it sounds and I know that leaving her is a valid option.

Still, I’m in love with this woman and now I don’t recognize her. I know that there is something very, very wrong and I can’t reach out to her.

She refuses to hear anything from me unless it is unconditional support. As much as it hurts, I have no intention to continue to be in a romantic relationship with her because she will absolutely not hear anything if it’s not 100% support.

I love her, but I love myself and I don’t want to be dragged down to something like this, especially when it feels like I’m talking to a brick wall. I will, however, try to remain in contact with her just to make sure she’s not heading for a mental break.

I will visit her today to have a talk and officially break it off, even though she’s been refusing to see me unless I am completely on board.


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