Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

Shocking News


I am days away from giving birth and my boyfriend just decided to tell me that he can’t be at the birth—because he’s married.

I’m just in shock right now. Like I almost feel numb. I was really happy and looking forward to the baby, and I just feel really sad right now so I need to take a breather.

Everything is ready for the baby and I’m still excited to meet them, but Jesus. So first off, he’s quite a bit older than me—I’m 23 and he’s 37.

I know the age gap probably should’ve been a red flag, but I was stupid. We’ve been together for two years, but he lives in a different city.

When I got pregnant, he said he was going to move to my city and we would move in together, and that he just needed to finalize some things with his ex-wife.

He told me he was divorced when we met and I never had any reason to question it. I knew that he had two kids with her as well. He told me the truth about that, just not that he wasn’t divorced—or even separated.

So fast forward, I’m 39 weeks and he suddenly got uncommunicative, which is less than ideal when you’re literally about to give birth. Bear in mind that he was supposed to have been fully moved in here a month ago, but he kept delaying.

Today I found out I am going to be induced on Monday unless the baby decides to come out over the weekend, so I contacted him and I was like, okay, what’s going on? 

And that’s when he told me the horrible truth. That he isn’t actually separated or divorced, that he never told his wife about anything, and how he felt like he was backed into a corner.

I don’t feel sorry for him for that because that’s his own fault, but obviously literally four days before giving birth isn’t the time you want to get this news, and I have no idea what to do now.


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