Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

Completely Controlling


So my good friend Aaron and his girlfriend Mary have been together for almost 7 years. They met in college and are in a very close relationship.

Personally, I would call them extremely co-dependent. Neither of them really have any friends aside from each other, and she doesn’t let him have guy friends.

In fact, she doesn’t let him do a lot of things. He’s not allowed to go out past 11, not allowed to drink or smoke, she has to approve of all of his friends, and he’s not allowed to be alone with other girls. She’s got this guy on a tight leash.

The reason why they’re still together is that Aaron is completely whipped, and to him she can do no wrong.

He talks regularly about how amazed he still is that she finds him attractive. He’s a decent looking guy, but she’s like supermodel level good-looking.

They post cutesy couple photos every day—I’m pretty sure she makes him post them—and to everyone who sees them, they appear to be the perfect magical fairytale couple. But now I know the dark truth. 

A few weeks ago, he told my boyfriend and I that he was planning on proposing to Mary.

Of course, we congratulated him because he seemed super excited. Now here’s the issue: A few weeks prior to this, I hung out with a friend of Mary’s, Alison. Alison told me about a party they went to where Mary got drank too much and slept with her ex.

After the party, they began hooking up regularly, and she had a threesome with him and a friend of his. Aaron has no knowledge of these hook-ups.

I told my boyfriend about it because he shares my friendship with both of them, and he believes that we need to say something, but I’m not so sure how to even go about that. It will destroy him, ruin their entire relationship, and maybe a friendship as well.

However, I think in the long term he will be unhappy with a marriage where she’s so controlling. Not even that, but if she’s completely okay with cheating on her long-term partner it will be the same once they’re married.


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