Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

The Next Steps


My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for a year and we had a baby boy last week. I had a natural birth and my boyfriend was there throughout the whole process. I screamed A LOT, and each time I did, he whispered something awful to me. 

Things like, “Can you stop screaming, you’re really embarrassing me.” I also threw up a few times and I saw him cover his face in shame. When I held the midwife’s hand for comfort, he whispered, “Let go of her, stop being so embarrassing.”

He also said that my birthing position was embarrassing too, and called me a few vulgar names. I’m really upset about his behavior that day, especially when it was when I needed his support the most.

When I try to talk to him about it, he denies ever saying it and that I’m being silly… I tried asking him about couple’s counseling, but he refused. My mom has agreed to let me stay at hers until I can find a new place for myself and the baby.

I haven’t said anything to him yet about splitting up; I’ve been advised not to so I am still planning out how I am going to take the next step.


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