Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

The Shock of My Life


My wife and I have been married for four years and we have a two-year-old. We dated on and off for three years before getting married.

Last night, I got the shock of my life. She said her ex’s name while we were getting it on. When I noted it, she gave some weird excuse as to why.

She said it’s a common name (it is a very common name) and she must have heard it recently. I wasn’t going to start a big argument with her at that time. But it has since gotten me worried about why she did that. For some background, this was a guy she was with for a couple years before I met her.

They met in college and were serious for some time. They had broken up when I met her and decided they were better as friends. They were friends for years before they dated. We started dating, but he remained in the picture.

He was her best friend first and foremost and I grudgingly went along with it for her. But several months passed, and I put my foot down, saying it was too uncomfortable for me. There was some resistance, but she stepped back from him. But there was one big issue.

Every time we broke up, she was with him. We finally reconciled and got engaged. He apparently didn’t know this and stopped talking to her.

She was devastated at the time, which should have been a red flag, I now see. At the time, though, we talked about it and she was happy to have chosen me.

Now after this has happened, I’m tempted to see if she’s gotten back in contact with him again. I know she’s checked in on his social media because I saw the searches on our laptop. She doesn’t know I know that. I don’t think she’d cheat, but this guy was always different for her.


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