Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

And She Had Proof


My brother told me this story about a man he used to work with. My brother’s work friend is from an eastern European country and he came to the US many, many moons ago to start his family.

One of his sons met a nice girl and they planned to get married, but life happened and the girl got pregnant before they could plan something big together. Regardless, the whole family was excited about the new baby.

The father-to-be was absolutely ecstatic and they had a small ceremony just before the baby was born. When the delivery time came, out popped this little boy who was about 50 shades darker than either parent, and the new dad absolutely lost his mind. 

In his heartbroken rage, he accused his new bride of cheating on him, disowned the child, and raged right out of the delivery room, leaving the new mom all alone with her mountain of shame. This guy returned to his family and continued his hate-filled rampage.

He exclaimed to his family that his new wife had cheated on him because the baby looked nothing like him.

The family was shocked, as they never would have believed this sweet young thing would do that to their son. It was absolute shame and misery all around.

Well, sitting in a dark little corner of the room, little tiny grandma chirped up and had a story to tell. Apparently, back in her glory days, during some conflict or another, she had a great summer fling with a French soldier. A Black French soldier.

She got knocked up and due to the times, she had to keep the baby, hoping her family didn’t throttle her before she could abandon it somewhere. She ended up meeting her husband shortly after getting knocked up, and things just progressed as if it was his child.

And wouldn’t you know, the little thing popped out white as snow. She breathed a sigh of relief because that was going to be the easiest lie for her to keep, ever.

So this poor guy had been carrying around this super melanin gene his whole life, knocked up his wife, and it decided to all come out on his sweet little boy.

Thankfully, the whole family went with him to the hospital. The grandma had a picture of her old fella as proof, and the husband and wife were reunited.


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