Coffee Addict

Many years ago I worked as a barista. There was a really cute girl who would come into my place of work to get coffee and study. I never made a move on her because I didn’t want to be inappropriate at work or risk making a regular customer uncomfortable.
So one night, I rode with my mom to attend my younger brothers high school graduation. We stop at a gas station attached to a grocery store so it just had a single employee in a little booth. My mom pays for gas and comes back to me where I was pumping gas.
She said the girl in the booth asked if I worked at the coffee shop and if I was single. So I went over to talk to her and it was the girl from the coffee shop. She said that she only came into the coffee shop to pretend to study while hoping that I would approach her and that she never made the first move because as an employee there I was paid to be nice to customers and she felt it’d be inappropriate.
We were together for just over two years before we split amicably. Nothing but good memories, our lives just went in different directions.
Story credit: Reddit / ChampChains