Snot Rocket

Freshman year in HS I get on the bus and see the most amazing girl siting across the aisle. Now I need to mention that earlier in the day I had bought a box of skittles the cheerleaders were selling for a fundraiser. Skittles in hand,I felt like this was my time to shine.
“Hey, watch this” were the first words I ever said to her.
Put a skittle up one nostril, closed off the other with my finger, and blew hard enough to shoot the skittle several rows. She was comically unimpressed. Grossed out even.
Ended up dating her off & on in HS and then after college. The day I saw her I knew I wanted to marry her, and very nearly did. For the best though, she’s way happier now than she ever was with me and the same is true for me.
But don’t ever be afraid to snot rocket a skittle across a bus when the love of your life hangs in the balance.
Story credit: Reddit / SupahCraig