Real Life Roommate Horror Stories That Will Make You Want to Live Alone

Selective Dishwashing


Every time my roommate cooked with her boyfriend, which was almost nightly, she left a pile of dishes in the sink. So, naturally, within two days the sink was overflowing and there were no dishes or utensils to eat with. We had a dishwasher, which made this way more infuriating.

Anyway, one day I had completely had it when I saw little bugs flying around the kitchen. I told her she needed to do the dishes immediately and left for work. When I came back, the dishes were in fact done. However, she had left behind the one single knife I had used that morning, dirty in the sink.

Even after I had washed and cleaned up after her for months. The level of petty was astounding to me and, honestly, I think about that incident often. Story credit: Reddit / WiFi_for_dogs

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