Real Life Roommate Horror Stories That Will Make You Want to Live Alone

The Great Pretender


During my medical residency I was sent to a town to rotate in their hospital. Said hospital lodged me in an apt with a friend of mine and another guy, a 60 yo cardiologist who was in all honestly a lotta fun to hang out with if you accept that some people are freaking weird and that’s that. A list of the weird stuff:

  1. The hospital where he worked never actually got his CV. His excuse was that it was so extensive that putting it together was taking his secretary months (hospital was desperate for a cardio there and so they weren’t bothered to check his background too hard, guy likely was a cardiologist but the other 70% of his credentials were most likely made up)
  2. He always had drunken stories involving going out with world-famous cardiologists (totally made up)
  3. He had like 2 shirts. He slept every day on a bare mattress with just one blanket (always the same blanket)
  4. He was super chatty. sometimes he would pop his head into my room and just stay there chatting you up for sometimes 40 minutes straight, all the while with me trying to politely end the conversation conveying a “please get out of my private space” tone. It never worked.

In all honesty it wouldn’t really surprise me to find out the guy was a complete fake. I spent hours talking with the guy since there wasn’t much to do there during that rotation, but yet to this day i can’t really say i know a solid thing about his past. Story credit: Reddit / madkeepz

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