Real Life Roommate Horror Stories That Will Make You Want to Live Alone

Please Knock


I spent a summer living at a friends house and it almost had me in tears. I go to school far away from my home and decided to stay the summer in my school area, thing was the dorms kick you out from may to aug so I had to fins a summer home for a few months. My friend offered to let me stay at her house.

Very cheap rent and cool! I moved in. Now I had already known she was a messy person and had accepted that fact and I’d do my best to keep my space and the common space clean.

Well it was just a disaster from start to finish. She has three dogs, great animals, but the amount of hair and dirt they produce you had to sweep and vacuumed once a week (aka I swept and vacuumed).

She didn’t work, I did, full time server. She never cleaned, once. I did the dishes I mopped the floors I took care of the dogs. (she kept the dogs crated all the time for no reason she was always home yet I’d get home and have to let them out.) They weren’t even my dogs I just felt so bad for them.

I would come home 10pm from working all day, make dinner clean the kitchen and go to bed. Wake up to her having had people over that night, probably getting high drunk what ever and the kitchen is now trashed with fast food and dishes. So I’d get to clean again just so I could make breakfast.

Her friends, really nice people all around but they would come over ALL THE TIME. They would come over unannounced and walk right in. No knocking nothing. I once was doing laundry and had bras and underwear all over the living room. They just showed up with no warning and sat on my clean laundry.

(I was in the shower). Eventually I just gave up, other than taking care of the dogs. I kept my room and bathroom clean and just stayed out of the house as much as possible. Story credit: Reddit / mynameissomethingels

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