Real Life Roommate Horror Stories That Will Make You Want to Live Alone

Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook


My boyfriend’s roommate calls his mom or other relatives every single day. This would normally be kind of sweet and stuff, except he will call and talk to them on speaker phone for a minimum of an hour and a half, but usually around three hours.

He seriously spends about 20 hours a week talking with his parents on speaker phone. He will call them over every little thing. They never taught him how to cook or even boil water. Hell, he doesn’t even know how to turn on the stove or use a dishwasher.

So he eats off of exclusively paper or styrofoam plates with plastic utensils. What does he eat though? Nothing but frozen food. The only thing he knows how to use is the microwave. Every single weekend his parents come and pick him up and take him home. He does not drive home, despite having a car.

While home, they buy him copious amounts of frozen food which he stuffs in the freezer to the point that it cannot close. He does not take the boxes out of the plastic bags from the grocery store and sticks those in the freezer too. In addition to this, he drinks nothing but bottled Coca-Cola.

I have never once seen him drink water. Despite this, he’s a pretty slim dude. To top it all off, I once overheard a phone call (it’s not like I’m eavesdropping, he’s always on speaker phone) that he made to his mother just to ask how to microwave leftover pizza and for how long.

He had absolutely no idea and this was really troubling for him. It’s really quite sad. I’ve offered to teach him how to cook but he’s never really taken me up on him. I worry about how much sodium he’s getting from all the frozen food.

The only non-frozen foods he buys are Little Debbie snack cakes and the occasional bit of takeout. I’ve gotten in the habit of cooking extra food when I make dinner with my boyfriend so I have a homecooked meal to offer him. Story credit: Reddit / RedPlanit

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