Real Life Roommate Horror Stories That Will Make You Want to Live Alone

Sleep Terror


I’m actually the horrible/horrifying roommate. I didn’t do any of this on purpose, but you can’t actually help what you do when you’re asleep, can you?

First, I snore. My roommate and I shared the same room and she eventually got used to it. It wasn’t bad, but going from sleeping alone to sharing a room with someone who snores sucks.

Second, I talk in my sleep. Not full sentences or anything but enough for my roommate to hear a word or two every hour or so that she was still awake in our room.

Third, I move around A LOT. A lot of the time in the beginning of us sharing a room she thought I was waking up when really I was still dead asleep.

This brings us to the actual horror part though. Idk how many times this happened but it was often enough to freak my roommate out, but I would sit up in bed. But how is this horrifying you ask?

I would sit up in bed, turn my head, stare at her with my eyes so dilated that they looked black, and growl/make scary noises/sleep talk/was most likely snoring along with muttering the occasional word. THAT’S how I was the horrifying roommate. Story credit: Reddit / fmeidk_1

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