Real Life Roommate Horror Stories That Will Make You Want to Live Alone

Fruit Fly Paradise


In university dorms I lived in a townhouse style unit with three other people for a single summer semester. One never cooked (dining hall), and was pretty cool.

The other two would cook, but would leave food scraps out, wouldn’t take out the garbage ever, and would only clean dishes when they wanted to use them again. I’m not a tidy person myself, but the kitchen became unbearably awful. We started getting fruit flies and they multiplied into swarms.

They would cluster together on walls in the hundreds. I put out traps selectivity so they didn’t really make it into other parts of the dorm (i.e. my room), and basically stopped using the kitchen.

The thing about my school was that whoever left last, was responsible for the damage deposit (stupid system). I cleaned my crap out of the kitchen, did a garbage run, cleaned my room and half my shared bathroom, and bailed leaving the two messy ones to deal with whatever was left. Story credit: Reddit / CrispAndTangy

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