Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

Notorious Loner


A notorious loner in my class would always have an MSN Messenger chat window up with one of his friends every time he hooked his computer up to the projector. He would act all embarrassed that we saw his conversations with his friend from another town.

He moved here from there, so we assumed he really was staying in touch with his old pals. Until one day we found out the truth.

Once when he was in the library on a computer, I spotted him logged on to his “friend’s” MSN accounts…and messaging himself.

Sometimes he would speak about the things he and his “friends” did, and ever since I caught him messaging himself, I felt really bad for him.

He was a very kind, peculiar kid—not one I’d really be interested in being friends with, but I always treated him nicer after that. Story credit: Reddit

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