Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

There’s Nothing We Can Do


I worked for a self-storage place. They made every customer sign a lease agreement that said they wouldn’t be held responsible if the unit was broken into and things were stolen. I found out that we had about seven to eight burglaries a year.

The owners would get sued, but they would always get off because they would produce the lease agreement in court, and the judge would dismiss the case.

One day, I came in from vacation to pick up my paycheck—and I made the most disturbing discovery. I found the owner and the manager loading up a truck with the contents from a unit that wasn’t theirs.

I went around the corner to an area where the fence allowed me to look in without being seen. I saw that they went to another storage space, cut off the lock, and proceeded to load up the truck with a telescope, big screen tv, and some power tools.

I came back the next day and asked one of my co-workers about it. He told me that the owners of the storage facility would sell the stuff they snatched from renters and that the manager and owner did the same thing with another property that they owned as well.

I quit and called the authorities to tell them what the owners were doing. Unfortunately, they said that there was nothing they could do unless they were caught in the act. Story credit: Reddit / guido_pilot

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