Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer



When I was about 8, I was sent to a summer camp for a month. My sister, who was 14, also was there. I had never been away from my parents before. I remember the cabins in the woods.

Now, I don’t know if I had arachnophobia before this experience, but I recall that the toilet stalls had dozens of daddy long leg spiders all over. The way I handled it was…disturbing.

I was so scared, I just held It in for nearly a week. One day, I just couldn’t hold it anymore and had to make a run for the toilets. I did this weird crab walk thing to the toilets, trying to hold it in.

I made it Into the main area where the sinks are and just couldn’t hold it anymore and just quickly, with one hand, pulled down my pants from behind.

I dropped the biggest dump on the tile floor, all while still in motion towards the toilet. Thankfully, no one was in there to see this.

When I walked by later, a large group had formed outside. Inside, one of the staff was covering his face with one hand and holding a hose in the other. No one knew who had done it. Story credit: Reddit / _NeXXer_

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