Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

Customer Service Nightmare


I used to be a customer service employee for 13 years. The surveys we would send out after we closed a ticket determined whether or not customer service representatives would keep their job. If they get enough bad surveys, they go to the bottom of the stack, and they’re the first ones to be fired or laid off.

Unfortunately, when people fill out these surveys, most of the time, they are grading the experience they had with the product, not the customer service.

They don’t realize it is the customer service person who is affected by the survey, not the company itself. The company doesn’t do anything with those surveys other than grade the personnel.

You might think they would take the feedback and use them to make their product or service better or to improve their management processes so that you have a better overall customer service experience, but they do not.

It’s all a numbers game. Since a majority of the surveys are going to come back with negative responses, usually because the customers are angry that their product was broken, the managers hold on to them. When it comes time to reduce staff, they use these surveys to justify laying off or firing people.

As a result, when someone applies for unemployment, the company can deny the application, stating that they were a bad employee because they got lots of bad reviews. Story credit: Reddit

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