Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

That’s Not the Worst of It


I used to work at a major rental tuxedo store. We used to color in black collars with sharpies and burn lapels to make them stop fraying, minutes before the suits headed out the door.

The jackets were not dry cleaned, and the vests were rarely washed, just Febrezed 10,000 times. Neck grime would still be visible around the collars. But that’s not the most horrifying part.

We’ve found wasps nests in a few of the tuxes, probably from some wasp-ridden corner of the warehouse, and pocket-handkerchiefs were made out of cut-up ties.

Even though a rental would cost $200, the jacket and pants were purchased from the manufacturer for around $95 total.

The tuxes were also an identical fit and material as the non-name brands but rebranded by high-end designers. Story credit: Reddit / TheGetz

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