Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

Not Quite Fresh

Wikimedia Commons / WhisperToMe / CC 3.0

I used to work at Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory. We were forced to do all sorts of disgusting stuff. 

The white chocolate was blended with Crisco shortening, and when the caramel apples sat out and became moldy, we sampled them to customers.

If chocolate strawberries did not sell, we would put them in the fridge for the next day. When they became shriveled, moldy, and disgusting, we had to drizzle them with chocolate again to hide it.

When the chocolate would become dusty and have a white film called “bloom” on it, we would have to polish it with wet paper towels to make it shiny again. And for the record, none of the chocolate was made there, we had it shipped from Colorado. Story credit: Reddit / grenfusion

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