Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

A Reasonable Amount of Partying


Throughout college, my fiancée and I would host various drinking get-togethers, and proceed to party college style. I would mix drinks, and my fiancée would pour shots.

I love to mix drinks and I am known for it! My entire friend group thinks I make incredible strong drinks. Even my fiancée. But they didn’t know my secret.

I would, and still do, make cocktails or margaritas with half a shot, then provide a straw. I would pour a bit of the liquid into the straw or right on top unmixed, so it tastes stronger.

All of them at the time loved shots and partying hard, and I didn’t want anyone to get sick and still don’t. Sometimes I would do a full shot, but never more than one, especially on big party nights.

Additionally, I would switch out shots with water and lime juice. Story credit: Reddit / pastalovin_feminist

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