Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

Not His Story to Tell


He didn’t keep it for very long, but my dad found out I was having a suspected ectopic pregnancy before my mom. It was three days before Christmas and he came around to drop some gifts off thinking I was at work.

Instead, he found my hospital letter and me crying on the sofa. We’re quite close but not really affectionate, so it meant a great deal to me when he comforted me silently whilst I sobbed and sobbed.

He said, “I will tell your mom if you want me to, or I won’t tell her, and if it’s something you want to share with her yourself, then you can tell her when you’re ready.” In the end, I asked him to tell her, but how he handled it really meant a lot.

My mom’s awesome, but she would have smothered me with love and not let me out of her sight, and I just wanted to forget about it.

Anyway, he took me to all my follow-up appointments, and on December 23rd, we found out that the baby was in fact growing exactly where she was meant to be. She’s four now. Story credit: Reddit / JanuaryGrace

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