Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

Cheater, Cheater


I was taking an exam in college for electrical engineering. The teacher allowed a letter-sized cheat sheet where you could write whatever you wanted; formulas, questions, quizzes, etc.

Prior to that exam, I hadn’t attended the class because I had been scheduled for work, so because I thought it was an open exam, I’d be okay.

Well, I realized while taking the exam that all the questions weren’t matching what I wrote on my cheat sheet. I was panicking because halfway in, I haven’t written anything on my exam paper.

I was scrambling on my notes to just find something that’s similar, but there was nothing. Time was up and everyone was turning their paper in.

I snuck out and ran to the library, opened my laptop, and looked at my professor’s online lessons. All the questions were based on this one specific document with little changes in his numbers.

I finished filling up my exam, then ran to my professor’s office. It was raining at the time, so I was soaking wet. I knocked and the professor answered.

I told him that I may have forgotten to write my name on my test. My plan was to sneak my test into the pile of test papers. I was pretending to look for my name while my left hand was opening my backpack on the floor trying to grab my test paper. I managed to grab my test paper and snuck it into the pile.

I left his office nervously, anxiously, and guilty, but I needed this to pass. Story credit: Reddit / reiri93

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