Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

Incredibly Lucky


Decades ago, before cameras and electronic security, I had a matter in a small-town court go against me because there was no way the judge was going to believe me against the word of the local authorities.

Lunch was called after the decision and as the room cleared out I sat there dejected, broke, and angry as anything. I noticed a very expensive slide projector in its case sitting on the side.

I was into cameras and loved collecting slide film but could only look at them on a viewer. I picked up the briefcase-looking projector and walked out as if it belonged to me. I’m aware it was a very, very stupid thing to do but I was young and irrational with anger.

I was incredibly lucky I got away with it. I had that projector for years and always got a good laugh and smile when I used it. Story credit: Reddit / Spudzilla

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