Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

No Formal Training


I used to work at Arthur Murray and Fred Astaire Dance Studios.  Most dance instructors are not well qualified and have no formal training. They would begin teaching after a week or two of video training along with what they were taught by another instructor in the studio.

Whatever the instructor learned that morning during training, they would teach to their new student that afternoon. Instructors were basically students who had one more lesson than the people they were teaching and were thus called instructors.

Yet, the studios would charge more per hour than most doctors did, regardless of the instructor’s experience.

It was ridiculous considering the vast majority of them did not have a big name nor the experience to warrant such a high cost for lessons.

Someone could receive a lesson from an instructor who was well known worldwide in the international arena for half the amount.

Also, the dance studios believed that your talent was based upon the amount of money that you shelled out every month.

The less you would spend, the fewer compliments you would receive, and the less they would care about you. Story credit: Reddit / Herschey

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