Real Life Secrets That People Couldn’t Keep Bottled Up Any Longer

It Was Too Late


When I was a kid, I was once in the car with my mom and I really had to use the bathroom. So, I asked my mom to pull over at the bike shop because I had to get a part for my bike because I knew she wouldn’t have stopped if I told her I needed to use the restroom.

I sprinted inside the store and asked where the restroom was. I had maybe eight seconds left before it was too late. I moved as fast as I could toward the door leading to the back and my salvation.

Once I hit the door, eight seconds was up. I could wait no longer. I pulled down my shorts and proceeded to leave a trail until I reached the restroom. Once inside I continued to make a massive mess.

I took off my shoes, left my socks behind, washed my hands, and left. As I exited the bike shop I heard the employees start to yell. I jumped in my mom’s car while telling her to start driving.

She asked me where to bike part was but I just kept asking her to drive. I never went back. Story credit: Reddit / sse-dj

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