Real Life Stories From Travelers About the Worst Hotels They Ever Visited

I Don’t Know if He Worked There or Not


It was in Jiangxi province, China. I roll into town at like four or five o’clock and I need a place to stay, so I walk into this modern looking place by the bus station. Turns out it’s so modern it’s not all the way built yet.

There’s no one at the front desk, so I yell, and the guy I passed in the parking lot doing donuts on a scooter comes in. He’s inebriated. He quotes me a really good price for a room so I take a look at it; there’s exposed concrete everywhere, wires coming out of the walls (live, maybe?), basically a construction site. But I’m only going to be there one night and the price is right so I take it. As best I can tell, I’m the only occupant of this massive hotel.

So I go hiking the next day and when I’m back and ready to leave the hotel guy, still inebriated, asks me where I’m going next. I tell him, and he says, basically, “OK cool, I’ll get beverages and tickets”. Which he does. He’s off like a shot. So he blows off his job and goes with me to the next town, four and a half hours away, sharing his drinks with the bus driver and being pretty cool for a random hotel clerk.

We get dinner when we arrive (which was incredible), but after that he wants to find some *ahem* female companions, so I excuse myself and flee to the next province.

I still wonder whether he worked there or not.

Story credit: Reddit / discountErasmus

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