Real Life Stories of Embarrassingly Entitled Airline Passengers

Lack of Control


Mid – 90s. There was this kid in customs (Toronto to Houston flight) who was going nuts. He driving people crazy in the departure area.

On the flight, he had a full-sized metal Tonka truck that he was running up and down the aisle with. He smacked me on the head and nearly hit my Mom in front of me.

I grabbed it before he could hit my very frail and on blood thinners Mom. I gave it to a crew member who refused to give it back to the family.

The family refused to seat him, until it was announced that there would be no food or beverage service until the aisle was cleared.

Another woman grabbed the kid and returned him to his family. They let him run loose again as soon as service was over.

Finally, someone from the cockpit had to come back and tell the family we couldn’t start the landing approach until the brat was in his seat.

They put him in his seat – screaming bloody murder. As soon as decent started they let him up and he was running up and down the aisle as we landed.

The family was so dense that when the captain ordered everyone to stay in their darn seats and that only families with small children would be allowed to deplane at first – they smirked their way down the aisle. Mom walked with a cane, and the crush getting off was hard for her.

Since we were home we just waited till the aisles were clear. When we got off, you could hear the kid screaming 1/2 way down the jetway.

A police officer was holding him and the rest of the family (I’m guessing Mom, Dad, and 2 grandparents) were in handcuffs. TexasTeacher

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