Real Life Stories of Embarrassingly Entitled Airline Passengers

Encroaching Behavior


19 yrs ago, my grandma had passed away, got the soonest flight back that I could (SFO to the UK), missed the funeral as Jewish, left behind somewhat unresolved love at the airport. So there’s me, miserable, eyes constantly leaking, I tilt my seat back so I can try to sleep on this 8hr flight of sadness.

Loudmouthed idiot behind me shoves my seat back up seriously hard, like full on BAM! Starts banging on to his moron mate and their moron wives how “see, I showed them, outrageous trying to shove their seat into my lap, blah blah blah”.

Proceeded to shove his knees into the back of my seat so I couldn’t put the seat back at all, continues to laugh loudly about how amazing he is for not letting me “encroach on” his space.

Then starts dribbling on about how his holiday had been ruined by all the foreigners and getting ripped off and “I’m not tipping no one, why should I”.

FA comes over, she’d seen it all go on, leans over to me and apologises that it’s a full flight so she can’t move me but how about a drink.

Passes me the first of many free drinks, gives moron and the moron clan the most epic Hard Stare I’ve ever seen (moron 1 quiets down) and proceeds to ignore them and their calls the entire flight.

I passed out shortly after from the two free Scotches but honestly Thank You to that FA, she made a truly awful experience manageable. If that Moron is still out there flying, I apologise from my entire country. theflangereturns

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