Real Life Stories of Embarrassingly Entitled Airline Passengers

Bullies Sit at the Back


Back when I was thirteen or so, my family and I were all in business class since we were going on a pleasure trip to the same place as my dad’s work trip. I could be remembering wrong but either way we were all in not-economy.

Anyway, this woman is sitting alone next to me and her husband—a tall, balding, and rather large white dude—comes up to me—a small, thirteen year old asian kid—and asks me directly to switch seats with him (he was like four rows back in economy class) so he can sit with his wife.

I’m very alarmed and actually struck speechless since a) I’d be separated from my entire family and b) dude, I’m like a baby.

All I can do is shake my head and he continues to pester me about it, towering over me until my dad notices and starts shouting at him about how I was just a kid, just have your wife move, blah blah blah, and it’s a mess with even other strangers taking our side.

Profanity back and forth until I think a flight attendant stepped in, making both the man and his wife sit in economy with a nice older woman coming up instead, leaning over and apologizing for the other couple’s actions, even though she didn’t know them and obviously had nothing to do with them.

Before they’re even gone everyone in the section starts saying how glad they were that they were moved back. RaneInSpane

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