Real Life Stories of Embarrassingly Entitled Airline Passengers

A Lesson in Manners


My favorite incident was one that happened to me about a year ago. I’m working up at the boarding door and toward the end of boarding, just as we’re about to close up, we had a high ranking passenger in our loyalty program come on (sitting in first class where there is absolutely NO overhead bin space for his bag.

He walks through, opens one bin (that’s full) and drops his bag in the aisle and demands I find a spot for it. Alright.

I play the friendly card and I go through opening bins until I finally find one with a space for his luggage. I just stand there in front of the bin.

He hauls his bag back a good 12 rows and sets it down in front of me. I look at him. Look at his bag. Look at the bin. Then look back at him and wait. He then proceeds to speak to our lead flight attendant. Surprise! That’s me.

He said, “YOU need to put my bag up!” to which I replied, “Not happening. You tow it, you stow it. Otherwise I’m checking it. Our work will not cover us if we get injured lifting passenger’s baggage.” he huffed a bit and slammed his suitcase in the overhead bin.

Glared at me, and proceeded to march his way up to the front to sit down. The best part about this was that because he was the last person on board, the agent was right behind him while this whole incident happened.

She saw his attitude and said, get up. You’re not going on a flight until you learn some manners. And pulled him off. It was sweet, sweet justice. boozeandarrows

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