Real Life Stories of Embarrassingly Entitled Airline Passengers

First Class Nightmare


Once, my father and I were first in line for pre-boarding on our flight to the Cleveland Clinic from Atlanta due to my extreme migraine disorder, cluster headaches, and general frailty.

A large 30-something woman in a wheelchair behind us said, “Excuse me! You’re too young to need to pre-board! Let us older people go. You can stand!”

I responded that although I could stand, I could not do so for long, and needed to be seated ASAP. She continued to berate us while I was in agonizing pain, and with a migraine aura which meant that I couldn’t see.

I passed out while leaning on the gate desk, and the woman essentially started screaming at me to “stop faking it” and to move aside.

My wonderful Papa told me later that he responded, “As if we could move out of your way and still make our flight.”

The woman was shrieking at this point and needed to be wheeled away to be calmed down, being told that she could either calm down at the gate or calm down with TSA.

The wonderful gate attendants gave me a wheelchair, helped me onto the plane, and seated me in the nicest open seat on the plane.

I don’t remember what class it was, but it was a relatively great flight. samijol

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