Mean Toad Woman

“I have a job, but I will still do interviews every couple years. This means the script is flipped. They have to convince me to work there. Anyway I got to town early so I stopped at a bakery. Then this toad of a woman walks in, yells at me to get her order and then yells at me for not getting up right away to serve her.
When I point out that I do not in fact work there she goes off me about how important she is. I go the interview. Head of IT and the toad woman walks in. She has this evil grin on her face. I stop everything.
I point at the toad woman and I say something like “I have seen how your managements treats people, and I have no interest in working for you” and I take my resume out his hands and walk out. The look on her face was priceless.” Story credit: Reddit / goblinmarketeer