Hit Me

I was about 12 years old. Often had been forced to stay with my Moms friends when she’d go out of town. The father was…. An abusive prick. He literally tortured me every chance he’d get. Anyway, we went out to dinner one night.
I don’t remember what preceded it, but he said “go ahead tough guy. hit me as hard as you can right in the gut” thinking I wouldn’t do it because I was scared of him. But this was my moment and I knew it. And I pulled my fist back and belted him in the gut with EVERY ounce of strength I could muster.
He immediately doubled over. He tried to turn it around on me, but his wife shut him up instantly. “You told him to do it. If you ‘weren’t ready’ it’s your fault, not his”. One of the most satisfying moments of my life. Story credit: Reddit / 8string