Internally Giggly

I work at a hotel. We have a very desirable parking lot, and when people poach it we boot them. I love enforcing these because I don’t have to apologize, as they aren’t guests. Girl parks, and walks to neighbor hotel. Our gm happens to be in the lot, and says this is parking for x hotel, not z hotel.
She proceeds to flip him off. I giggle, grab the boot and slap it on her car. She comes back screaming. I tell her the cost is $200. She refuses to pay and storms off. I get a call requesting the manager. I speak with the girls mom. She is trying to say “oh my daughter didn’t know, she was there for a job interview.”
I let her go on, and I tell her that her daughter flipped off the gm, and there is no way the boot is coming off without payment. She hangs up, the daughter comes back and silently hands me 200, with a look of rage on her face. Story credit: Reddit / Drew-