I Don’t Live Here Anymore

“My mother made my childhood hell (unpredictable moods, yelling and abuse got so bad I got panic attacks and nothing was done about it, random beating, crying, insults, very controlling, went through my letters and diary, the works)
After what seemed like ages of struggling, I finally managed to move out at age 21, to an address within the same city. Her whining continued. Why would I not give her keys to my apartment? Why did I not phone in every day? Where was I, who was I with, what was I doing at every time of the day?
I must hate her! I tried to not react and give her more ammunition, but when she ended up asking at some point “Why are you not coming by and visiting us every day??”, I finally replied “because I don’t live here anymore”, and it shut her up.” Story credit: Reddit / rou_te