Soaking Dad

Due to the bad economy and poor money management, my parents have moved into the spare room of the house my husband and I bought a year ago. The other evening I was out gardening, and I thought I had gotten the hose twisted, as it kept getting stuck.
This went on for a bit, when I realized that it wasn’t stuck, but being pulled. I looked into the dim area just past the illumination of the street light and spied my father, crouched over and tugging the hose. Well I did the only reasonable thing to do, and I sprayed him. He yelled and ran inside with me chasing.
Then he goes “You can’t get me now! I’m inside!!” In that father-to-daughter-don’t-you-make-a-mess tone. I readied my hose and said, “It’s my house.” And let loose with the hose. He was soaked. Worth cleaning up the mess for that moment of true fear in his eyes. Story credit: Reddit / pumpkinspicepiggy