Real Life Stories of Fantastic “You Have No Power Here” Moments

No Yelling

YouTube / Brittney Crabb

When Reddit user blind30’s boss raised their voice to them, they decided to express just how much they disliked being yelled at. And they did this by proving how actions can speak louder than words.

“Had an old boss who was a complete and total bastard. He was actually my boss’ boss, and wasn’t supposed to interact with us unless it was through our boss, but he just loved trying to make everyone under him squirm.

The company had forced him to go to training twice because of how he spoke to people. One day, I get a call at home from him and he just starts unloading- cursing, name-calling, insulting over some technical issue he just found out about.

After a couple of minutes, I just looked at my phone and hung up on him. The next day, I get called into a meeting with his boss, who basically wants to know who the heck I think I am hanging up on this guy. I calmly explain that no one gets to yell at me on my time, in my home, on my phone.

You have to wait for me to be on the clock to pay me for that privilege, and I’ll gladly take that money- If I’m busy being yelled at, I’m not busy with anything else. Seemed to work.”

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