Real Life Stories of Fantastic “You Have No Power Here” Moments

Internally Giggly


Most hotel employees don’t take kindly to getting the middle finger in their face, but Reddit user Drew- got the last laugh after a young woman was forced to come in and pay a fine for parking in the wrong spot.

“I work at a hotel. Its high end, so we often take the approach of just appeasing guests no matter what, so I frequently have to bite my tounge. However, we have a very desirable parking lot, and when people poach it we boot them.

I love enforcing these because I don’t have to bite my tongue or apologize, as they aren’t guests. My favorite one was this: Girl parks, and walks to neighbor hotel. Our gm happens to be in the lot, and says hey just fyi this is parking for x hotel, not z hotel.

She proceeds to say eff you, flips him off, and walks into neighbor hotel. Gm calls me, and tells me. I giggle, grab the boot and slap it on her car. She comes back screaming and ranting. I tell her the cost is $200. She calls the police. The police ask “is this a private lot?” Yes. Ok then pay them.

She refuses to pay and storms off. I get a call requesting the manager. I speak with them, its the girls mom. She is trying to say “oh my daughter didn’t know, she was there for a job interview” yada yada.

I let her go on, and when she finally stops making excuses, I tell her that her daughter flipped off the gm, and there is no way the boot is coming off without payment. On top of that, i tell her when she pays she better not come in swearing or yelling, or the price goes up to 300.

She hangs up, the daughter comes back and silently hands me 200, with a look of rage on her face. I’ve never been so internally giggly before.”

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