Real Life Stories of Fantastic “You Have No Power Here” Moments

I Don’t Live Here Anymore


Some moms are loving and nurturing. Reddit user rou_te’s mom was neither of those things. But that’s okay because karma eventually got her when her daughter was older and no longer living at home.

“My mother made my childhood hell (unpredictable moods, every second weekend would be family drama weekend with day long tirades about how everyone hates her and we are horrible to her and surely we are so vile and want her to leave; yelling and abuse got so bad I got panic attacks and nothing was done about it, random beating, crying, insults, very controlling, went through my letters and diary, called me a prostitute or dumb as a cow when I came home 15 minutes too late, the works)

After what seemed like ages of struggling, I finally managed to move out at age 21, to an address within the same city. Her whining continued. Why would I not give her keys to my apartment? Why did I not phone in every day? Where was I, who was I with, what was I doing at every time of the day? I must hate her! I must be looking forward to dancing on her grave!

I tried to not react and give her more ammunition, but when she ended up asking at some point “Why are you not coming by and visiting us every day??”, I finally replied “because I don’t live here anymore”, and THANK GOD it shut her up.”

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