Real Life Stories of Fantastic “You Have No Power Here” Moments

Stand Up


Most kids have no choice but to take it when their parents yell at them because they’re grownups and a lot taller than they are. But when Reddit user jsabo experienced a massive growth spurt and became the tallest in the family, he found that standing up to him literally ended the yelling.

“My dad is 6’3″. I’m 6’10”. Sometime in my early teens, I shot past him.

Dad was a yeller. Not doing what he thought I should be? No discussion, just yell. But I realized at some point that he wouldn’t yell at me if he had to look up while he was doing it.

I don’t remember what our last argument was about, I just remember that I’d sort of caught on at this point. So I’m in my room in front of the computer, Dad comes in and starts yelling at me. I eventually stand up and start yelling back. Dad makes an excuse to leave.

Dad comes back about a half hour later and starts yelling again, but at this point, it’s all I can do to not just laugh. I know that the instant I stand up, the argument will end.

It actually wound up being really good for our relationship, because Dad realized that he actually had to make valid points, rather than just going into former drill sergeant mode.”

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