Real Life Stories of Fantastic “You Have No Power Here” Moments

Not Paid Enough for Opinions


Being told that one doesn’t get paid enough to have an opinion is one of the most demeaning things a boss can tell their employee. But Reddit user croix_v bided his time. Then one day, when the boss asked him for some much needed opinion, he threw it back in his face.

“My job right before my current one.

Property manager – the owner was an absolute prick. He was heartless and rude and racist and I loathed him. I hated every day going into that job but I needed the money. I was applying daily to my dream company in hopes that eventually I’d be accepted.

In the meantime, every time I complained or mentioned something to my supervisor I was told to shut up and get on with it. “He was paying me too much to have opinions”

Three years after, we were a small office and the receptionist and assistant prop managers had quit. I finally got accepted into my dream company and happily put in my two week notice.

In desperation, he offered me more money, a higher position, better benefits (which were laughable). When I said no, he asked why. I have never felt more gleeful than the moment of when I said “I don’t know, I’m not paid to have opinions here.”

That was a year ago and even now the look on his stupid old face gives me joy to this day.”

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