Real Life Stories of Fantastic “You Have No Power Here” Moments

Catering Company Owner


This didn’t happen to Reddit user VictorBlimpmuscle, but he was a witness to it. A rude lady at a wedding reception told the bartender that she wanted an adult to make her drink because she felt that he was too slow. Then he told her something that left every alcohol craving brain cell in her body screaming with fear.

“In college I worked for a small catering company that was started by a guy who was barely much older than college age himself, no more than early 30’s. All of us that worked for him were college age or just over as well, so it was a young looking crew in general.

One day we were working an outdoor black-tie wedding reception for over 300 people, and it was a scorcher out too temperature-wise. So not only was it hot out and we’re all in tuxes serving a crap-ton of people, the family of the bride who are funding this affair are some of the rudest and most-demanding people imaginable, so it was not the most fun gig in general.

Well, one of the aunts on the bride’s turned out to be the rudest of the bunch and kept trying to pull the “I’m related to the bride so give me give me give me”-act (even though she wasn’t even in the darn wedding party), and was just making the lives of any one of us who came in contact with her even more of a living hell than what we were experiencing, including the owner of the company, who was lead bartender at the main bar.

Now that point is key because, by some grace of whatever higher power/force/fate/kismet or whatever you call it, I was also working that same bar, which gave me the opportunity to bear witness to the most beautifully constructed instance of comeuppance to which I had ever seen to that point, and don’t expect to ever see it bettered again:

the nightmare witch aunt is in young bossman’s bar line, and loudly complaining the whole time how long it’s taking, and she shouldn’t even have to be waiting in a line anyway because she’s whatever-the-bride’s name’s aunt, blah-blah-blah, just making a huge stink.

When she got up to the head of the line to place her order, she said something along the lines of how slow and ineffectual he was, to which he responded something along the lines of “we’re going as the fast as we can, here’s your drink, have a nice evening” (through gritted teeth I’m sure), which led her into the following diatribe:

“That’s because you’re nothing but a bunch of dumb kids – don’t you have any adults back there working this wedding? I want to talk to your manager or the owner or someone who’s an adult who can get you out of here and get the job done right.” To which a huge crap-eating grin washed over his face as he replied, “Hi! My name is (his name). I am the owner of this catering company, please note that if you would like for me to go, then this reception will have no food or beverages or bar service.”

I swear you could almost hear a hype crew descending from the heavens shouting “OHHHHHHH!!!” after he said it. It was a moment of transcendence I don’t think I’ll ever experience again. Plus, the witchy aunt didn’t bother us again the rest of the night.”

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