Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

The Icing on the Cake


I was working in a small accounting firm making less than minimum wage. The boss was exploiting the fact that people like me were desperate to get their foot in the door of accounting, as it is very competitive in Australia. One day I was stupidly posting on a forum about my situation and looking for advice. The boss found out and fired me on the spot.

Feeling pretty spiteful about the whole thing, I reported my situation to fair work ombudsman Australia. A month later, I got payment for the amount I should have been making at minimum wage for the six months I was there. About a month after that, I landed a much better role at a large company making almost double what I was making previously.

The icing on the cake is that the firm ended up getting investigated by fair work and I can only assume they received a hefty fine because they are no longer in business.

Story credit: Reddit / Twic3

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